The WR75 OMT from Dolph Mirowave is a Orthomode Transducer with Frequency 10 to 15 GHz, Isolation 35 dB, Return Loss 13.98 dB. More details for WR75 OMT can be seen below.

Key Features:
- Doubles capacity at antenna
- 6 to 80 GHz radio applications
- Reduced size for lowest weight
- Low-cost-per-use casting method
- High Isolation
- Low Insertion Loss
- Various standard ODU mating interfaces
- Outdoor usage with IP67 rating

The OMT designed consists of three different ports, one circular and two rectangular cavities.
The Circular port, also known as a common port, operates between frequencies of 10.7 GHz and 14.5GHz and the corresponding waveguide flange for this port is C120 (WC69).
One of the rectangular ports operates between frequencies of 13.75 GHz and 14.5 GHz and is adjusted to receive only the dominant TE10 mode signal (WR75).
The other rectangular port operates between frequencies of 10.7 GHz and 12.75 GHz and is adjusted to receive only the TE01 mode signal. Our simulation results of the new design of this OMT yields cross polarization isolation less than -50dB, these values are inline with commonly accepted cross-polarization isolation between ports.

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