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HOME » 【Microwave Customized Products】Composite Twist-Bends Waveguide

【Microwave Customized Products】Composite Twist-Bends Waveguide

Waveguide Components Composite
Dolph Microwave offers one of the most complete lines of composite twist-bends waveguide in the industry. Basic styles in many bends include miter and radius 90 bends, as well as acute and obtuse E and H plane bends in angles from 30 to 180. Our dual-E and offset bends were developed to economize and simplify production requirements, and are now used extensively throughout the field.


Rectangular waveguide usually is operated with the electric (E) field across the narrow dimension, and with the magnetic loops (H) field across the wide dimension. A waveguide bend with the plane of its electric field changed is called an “E-Bend.” With the plane of its magnetic field changed, the waveguide bend is called an “H-Bend.” The distinction can be remembered readily if one thinks of the E-Bend being bent in the Easy direction, and the H-bend in the Hard direction.

Waveguide Components Composite

Waveguide Components Composite

Waveguide Components Composite



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