WANGKE, chief engineer of satellite application department, introduced the newly designed and improved S/X/Ka Tir-band feed, which is a typical representative of the integration of TT&C data transmission. The feed has three-band downlink data receiving capability and S-band upstream data transmitting capability. It has the characteristics of multi-band, broadband, polarization multiplexing and high performance. It can be used in antenna equipment with TT&C and data receiving function. At present, the data receiving ability of high resolution earth observation satellites in China can also take into account the data receiving of satellites in other frequency bands.

In this design improvement, the feed system is simulated in many rounds, and the three-band antenna system is designed to upgrade the power resistance. The S-band is increased from 200 W to 1000W, which greatly improves the upstream capability. The debugging time of the improved feed is shortened to 1-2 days. Dolph has devoted itself to continuously improving the technical performance of the feed, improving the reliability and consistency of the product for many years. By means of photogrammetry, the debugging time of antenna feed system and reflector is greatly shortened, so that the development cycle of the product is guaranteed and the technical performance becomes more reliable.